Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which payment methods are accepted?
American Express
Apply Pay
Google Pay
Shop Pay
  • How much will I be charged for shipping?

We do not charge shipping costs for orders over $150.00, otherwise shipping costs are calculated based on Zip/Postal Codes at time of checkout. Please refer to our Shipping Policy.

  • How much will I be charged for returns?
Please refer to our Refund Policy.
  • Can I cancel or make changes to my order?

We cannot guarantee any cancellations or changes once your order has been completed, but we are occasionally able to make changes to orders that have not yet been shipped. Orders that have already shipped cannot be changed or cancelled.If your order has already been dispatched, a return request can be submitted once the item arrives to you. Please review our Return Policy for details and item qualifications. Please note that we will not be able to accept a cancellation or return for any items marked as Final Sale, and will not issue a refund for items marked as Final Sale.

When will I receive my item and how can I track delivery?

You  be sent an order confirmation email with your tracking number once your order is ready to be shipped.

Please ensure you provide an accurate email address to ensure you receive your order updates with tracking and order number. As well, please check spam or junk folders. 

  • Are duties and customs clearance fees included in the final cost at checkout?

Items that do not have duties and customs clearance fees included in the cost at checkout will state so in the the items description detail page. 

  • I am unable to locate my package.

Missing Shipment

Finding a missing package that shows as delivered.

1. Make sure the shipping address provided was correct.
We deliver packages and mail items as addressed and will make every attempt to correct any addressing issues. However, we can’t correct an address on a package once it has been mailed.

2. Look around the delivery location for your package

If you can’t find your delivery at your door, check the following locations:

Delivery location Where to look
  • Around your property. The delivery person might have left the package in a secure location or left a Delivery Notice Card.
  • Check with everyone in the household. Someone else may have received or retrieved the package.
  • Review tracking details to see if someone signed for your package. If they did, see if it matches anyone in the household.
Apartment building
  • Your individual mailbox
  • Parcel locker (we leave a key in your mailbox)
  • Security desk
  • Building superintendent or concierge
  • Mailroom
  • Front desk or security
  • Courier service or a third-party
Community mailbox
  • Your individual mailbox 
  • Parcel compartment (we leave a key in your mailbox)
Large institution (for example, a university)

The mailroom. This is our final point of delivery. Some time may pass before the mailroom delivers the package to you (or will tell you to pick it up).

Safe drop

A safe location on the property. Check around to find the package. Check with other members of the household, as they may have taken the package into the house.


If you are still unable to locate the package after completing the above checks, please reach out to support@oliverruffus.comPlease be sure to include your order number and the tracking number of the shipment that is missing. 

Please reach out to us within 5 days of the item being marked delivered so may promptly do our best to assist.