Subscription policy

Cancellation Policy

We cannot guarantee any cancellations or changes once your order has been completed, but we are occasionally able to make changes to orders that have not yet been shipped. Orders that have already shipped cannot be changed or cancelled.

If your order has already been dispatched, a return request can be submitted once the item arrives to you. Please review our Return Policy for details and item qualifications.

Please note that we will not be able to accept a cancellation or return for any items marked as Final Sale, and will not issue a refund for items marked as Final Sale.

When you purchase a pre-order, you are buying an out-of-stock or soon-to-be-available product not yet in inventory, or a custom made item.ย "PRE ORDER" Items Items that are custom made vary in shipping time from approximately 30-60 days, depending on item intricacy and location of departure. These items are indicated by a "PRE ORDER" button on the items description detail page.ย See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.

Product Subscriptions

Not applicable at this time